Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Regreso en seguida

Basically, the Missions Conference starts tomorrow.

Don't expect to see another post from me until at least Monday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The little foxes.

One of the most unread books of the Bible would have to be, at least from my experience in my own reading and hearing sermons preached, Song of Solomon.

In S.O.S, chapter two, verse fifteen, we read, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes." At first, this just seems like good gardening advice, but after closer review, study, and meditation, one will see that this verse means far more than that.

I once read a book called, "The Deputation Manual for Missionaries," by Austin Gardner and Tony Howeth. In the very beginning of that book, it talks about the little foxes. It says that we need to get those little foxes out of our lives before, slowly but surely, they ruin us.

(I'll admit, I too wouldn't have come across the verse about the little foxes had I not read that book, so you can thank Pastor Gardner and Brother Howeth for this blog, because it is based off of their ideas and writing.)

Even after reading their book, I still had a few foxes left in my life: music, TV, friends (because friends can pull you away from God, yes.) language, and on and on.

However, as God has been working in me, and changing me to fit His plan for my life, those little foxes are slowly, but surely, dropping out of my life.

I'm not saying I no longer sin, because I do. All I'm saying is that the things I used to enjoy, even though I knew they were wrong, no longer seem to be as fun. I don't want to listen to my old music. I don't want to watch the same TV shows as I used to. I don't want to say those words, or think the same thoughts. There are people who I once called a friend that now think I'm an idiot, bigot, loser, or some other name because I moved to Atlanta. Or because I'm concerned that the world's Muslim population is growing at a rapacious rate.

But the funny thing is this: I'm ok with it. I'm not worried about those people, because the Bible says that people will revile and mock you when you follow God. Just dust your booths off and keep going.

God is taking the worldly things I used to love and changing my heart so that I hate them. Things I'll see someone doing something I used to do, and think, "Man, I hate that." Now, I'm not saying I hate people, because I don't. I just hate sin.

I dunno, I always get excited to write a blog, and by the end, I'm afraid I haven't properly illustrated my point, or didn't write what I wanted to write.

All I'm saying is this: God has changed me into someone I never thought I could be. Even though I always said I've been called to be a missionary, which I am, I never really thought I'd end up being one, but not anymore. At this point, I don’t really want to do anything but glorify God, and get the gospel of Jesus to lost and dying souls.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's really simple.

I've been living in Georgia for just over a month or so. In that short time, God has done a mighty, mighty work in my life.

I'm not going into the details about it, because I don't think I can explain them without coming across as arrogant, even though I haven't done anything. God's been the one Who has been changing me.

But seriously. If anyone has any doubt about God's power...just try it. For one month, and I guarranteeeeee that, at the end of the month, there will be no doubt. It's insane how much God has grown me.

Glory to God, for salvation, His truth, His faithfulness and all that He does.

I wish I were a little better educated so I could express myself as much as I wanted to, but I'm not. Oh, wait, God is so good that not even the man with the golden tongue, or the most profound writer could describe His awesomeness. Amen.