I had my 90 day review at work today. Basically, every 90 days, my performance is evaluated, and depending on how I've done, I get a raise, or I don't. I won't about a raise or not until my next paycheck. And even then, most people don't get a raise until after 180 days. Fun.
Anyway. I found my review to be very interesting. I ranked extremely well in customer service, attitude at work, flexibility, and being a team player. I was normal on everything else, save for task orientation. I tend to float away from working on manual labor to start working with customers.
But I guess that's typical for me. I've never been one who gets a ton of joy from building things, stocking a shelf, or anything like that. There's pretty much next to nothing I enjoy more than working with people, and help them obtain their goal....even if that goal is nothing more than finding the right laundry hamper.
But here's what I thought was pretty neat: One of my co workers is the exact opposite of myself. He's a total taskmaster, and tends to shy away from customers at times. But what's makes the whole thing great is that when we work together, everything is done, and done extremely well. I can focus totally on the customers, coworker X can unload freight and stock shelves, and everyone is happy, from the boss to the customer.
And the thing that I find to be most awesome about this is that, at least to me, it makes a perfect example of how a church should work.
A church is made up of all kinds of different people, and each has his/her own strengths and weaknesses. But when they all work together, they can cover each other's weakness, and maximize their strengths.
At least I think it makes sense. In a weird way.
--Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.--