Monday, September 7, 2009

I didn't have a good day today.

I had a really bad day today.
I felt sick.
I had a really long day at work.
I got yelled at today at work.
I also got one compliment, but that's the high point of my day.
I rear ended a guy today.
The guy was a jerk.
He didn't give me any of his insurance information.
I bet he takes me to court, and wins a lot of money from me.
If that happens, I won't be able to pay it.
I can't pay my bills now.
I have a lot to do, and haven't done it.
I dunno.
I'm going to bed.

But the missions conference isn't too far off.
I'm excited about that.


  1. did you call the cops

    do you have insurance

  2. I didn't even think to call the police. Though I do have insurance.
