Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life is like a box of rocks.

So, over the last couple of days, I've been thinking about myself, and thosue around me. Everyone, it seems, and their parents, went to some Bible college, or comes froma missionary family, or is this super amazing person, who totally puts me to shame in everything I do.

I went to a year of "normal" college, and totally wasted a year. I was a party animal, far away from God, depressed, and just a Christan who Satan had put in chains. Well, I let him put me there. Anyway, I kinda felt like I was this total oddball, low down, fledgling Christian surrounded by some mighty warriors who had all this experience and haven't gone as far from God as I was a few months ago.

I kinda felt like a piece of coal in a box with a bunch of gems and precious things.

I was beating myself up for no reason though. God's showed me a few, very engouraging things. Amos is a great book of the Bible. Unlike a lot of other books, Amos just gets straight to the point in his book. He makes no introduction, and simply goes about preaching God's word. In chapter seven, verse 14, he makes a shocking revelation (at least it was to me)

14: Then answered Amos, and said..."I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit."

Amos, on of the most power packed preachers wasn't anyone special either. His dad wasn;t a might man of God. Amos never went to a well known Bible college. He was just a regular guy, just like I am. I dunno. Maybe this only makes sense to me.

Anyway. It doesn't matter that I come from a broken (ish) home, or that I've got no real Bible schooling, or that I wasn't born into a misisonary family.

God can still use me, in spite of all my flaws and imperfections, to be a powerful, potent man. Of course, it's got to be Him, not me. My own strenght will fail me. His will not.

1 comment:

  1. You came from a home that loved you and a mom that taught you the love of the Lord by taking you to church every Sunday. That was called ------- love and devotion on her part. Had it not been for her influence you would not be where you're at today. That, in itself, was something to be really grateful for in your upbringing.

    Every thing that has happened to you to-date
    (both good and bad) has brought you to where you are today! I love you my #1 grandson. Be happy.

