Sunday, November 29, 2009

Trust me...y alabar a Dios

Jer 7:8 Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit

People love to be able to trust things. Knowing you can trust someone or something is an amazing relief. It’s great to not have to worry about something, and to be able to place trust in something.

But sometimes, people are too gullible, or foolish, and trust the wrong things. They trust false doctrine, because it sounds good. Or they trust what their eyes can see, and their mind can think, because it seems safe. But God’s plan doesn’t always seem like the safe choice in our eyes.
People trust in jobs, and expect that a paycheck will pay their bills, and put food on the table. The truth is quite the opposite! It’s the Lord, not a check, or a job, that provides everything for us. He may use a paycheck, but it is always the Lord providing.

His love, mercy and acceptance of us as saved Christians is so amazing, so pure, so true and holy that when one is truly trusting in Him, the only feasible outcome is joy.

Jer 9:23 Así dijo Jehová: No se alabe el sabio en su sabiduría, ni en su valentía se alabe el valiente, ni el rico se alabe en sus riquezas

Muchas veces, puede ser muy, muy, muy fácil mirar a un gran hombre de Dios y pensar > y alabarle. Pero, la verdad es que ese hombre no ha hecho nado, sino Dios ha hecho todo.
Más vale darla gloria a Dios que a todo el mundo, porque Él es el único digno. El es nuestro poder y gozo, nuestro paz y nos ama.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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