Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas list.

There was a coup, and I've taken Micah's laptop in order to post today.
No one named Micah was harmed in said Coup.


Here's a list of gifts the Lord has given me since the last Christmas.
Or at least a few of them, since I won't be able to name them all.

-That I'm in a MUCH better place than last Christmas. I'm not talking about geographical location. I mean internally and in my relationship with the Lord.

-About two or three weeks ago, I was 750 in debt to OGTC and Mark Coffey. I just paid my rent. For January. Talk about provision.

-Vision Baptist church, and all the wonderful people there. Pastor Gardner, Ronald Tubillas, Chris Fies, Tony Howeth, Mark Coffey, Trent Cornwell, Micah Rastelli, Scott Newton, and so many other people have really helped me grow and mature in Christ.

-Cornerstone Baptist Church, and all the wonderful people there. Pastor Trimble, the Darbys, Starkys, Brad's family (who no one can spell their last name) The Trimbles, and the Shreves (Of course) and all the other people there. I know that they pray for me on a daily basis. And, in an offhand sort of way, I kinda feel like the relationship I have with CBC is like Paul and the Philippian church's relationship.

-The Lord's forgiveness, acceptance, love and salvation. I've recently had my eyes opened to these, and how powerful they really are. Totally life changing.

-Thumbs. Never forget how important those are.

-And a whole bunch of other things I can't think of right now.

Merry Christmas.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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