Saturday, December 26, 2009

Normal Christian Life

Pastor Gardner, in an offhand way, suggested that we should read the book "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee. I'm really glad he did. And I would recommend the book to any other Christian who wants to learn and grow in Christ.

I'll be brief with this post, even though I have lots I'd like to say. In my own words, here are some of Nee's most powerful writings.

-The blood of Christ has satisfied the Lord; it must also satisfy us.

-The Lord saved us, even though He saw us in the light with all our sins. How, then, does the devil have any room to accuse us?

-You were crucified with Christ. And this is a historical event! Paul writes that we are "Crucified with Christ!" If Christ was crucified around 2000 years ago, then, because we are crucified with Him, so are we! 2000 years ago, we died on a cross with Christ! We, then, have died to sin, and are raised with Christ!

I'm only about 60 pages into the book, but it's already taught me so much. You would do well to read it.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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