Thursday, August 20, 2009

The first "real" day.

(For the record, I wrote an amazing blog before this, but managed to delete it all at once on accident while I was trying to spell check it. I'm to lazy to rewrite it, so you're stuck with this trash that I wrote in about 53 seconds. Enjoy.)

The honeymoon is over. The gifts are all unwrapped. The party is cleaned up. The shiny veneer of leaving home to follow God is gone. Not that I wasn't being serious before, but it's time to sober up. I have no idea what I'm doing.

The honeymoon is over. It's time to realize that bad things are going to happen. I'm going to spill mustard on my favourite shirt. I'm going to get sick and not be able to breathe. I'm going to watch plans and ideas blow up in my face. I'm going to actually go through trials and all that stuff. This isn't a game anymore.

The honeymoon is over. It's time to get serious and realize that this isn't easy. It's going to take some serious dedication and devotion. More than I can give using just my own strength. I'm going to actually have to depend on God for everythinggggg at this point.

The honeymoon is over. I have a horrible cold. My nose is full of cement. I'm exhausted. Micah seems to be really bothered by something, and I can't help. I wish I could. Anyway.

The honeymoon is over. This is when things start to become real. Until now, I've been on a joyride. A honeymoon. I've been on the high of leaving home and becoming a man and all that.

The honeymoon is over. It's time to start being a man, and dealing with things. Time to start following God 100% with my life. Time to get serious. Time to do what it takes, even if it means getting 3 hours of sleep a night. Time to sacrifice my own desires for God's will. Time to be a man.

The honeymoon is over.

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