Saturday, October 24, 2009

For what it's worth...

Every so often, a magazine comes out with a list of the 100 most valuable people in the world. I'm assuming Bill Gates is up top, with his trillions of dollars, but here's a shocking truth:
I'm worth more than that. And you are too.

In I cor 6, we see that we are not our own, and that we are bought with a price. Okay, so God bought me. I'm don't think I'm worth very much, but He still bought me.

But the real amazing thing here is not that He bought me, it's how much He paid for me.
God gave His life, in the form of Christ, for me. That means that the price God paid for me was literally His life. Jesus and God are one, so for Jesus to give up the Ghost is for the Lord to as well.

God loves us as much as He loves Himself. He values us as much as He values Himself. Ephesians tells men to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How much did He love the church? That He bought it with His life.

We are paid for by Christ, by God in the form of a man.

It's amazing, at least to my feeble mind, that when God looks at me, He doesn't see a piece of garbage, or a worm, which is what I am, truthfully. Instead, He sees something that's so valuable to Him that He decided He wanted to pay for it with His (Son's) life.

Knowing that, it just encourages me to want to serve Him more. Knowing that He loves me as He does just pushes me to try harder, and to want to love Him more.

--Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.--

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