Monday, December 14, 2009


So the semester's over. I dunno what to do. I'm not used to free time. Granted, I'm working almost 70 hours between this week and next week, but still, that's only working 9-5 5 days a week. That leaves me from 5:00pm to 10:00pm, all unscheduled time.

(And I have to be careful about slipping into relaxed mode. Just because the semester's over doesn't mean that I stop working for the Lord any less.)

That's 25 hours of time I didn't used to have. I dunno what to do. Today, I ran some errands, picked up a few things wee needed at homem and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try and finish the rest of the house as well. And I thinks it's funny to say house, and really mean Mark's basement, but his basement really is my home.

And something else I was thinking about today...sometimes, small actions have great outcomes.
For example, Mordecai didn't do anything that would be considered "epic" or "legendary" by any standard. In truth, he'll be best remembered as a guy who raised a girl up to be a woman who served the Lord. It happens all the time. And I don't think he realized how great an impact his actions would have on history.

I mean, if Esther doesn't ever gain favour with the king, the Jewish nation is wiped out. The seemingly small action of raising a young lady had the outcome of saving a nation.

My calves really hurt from climbing ladders all day.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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