Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sickness, and what it's teaching me.

As I remain at home (aka Mark's basement) sick with the flu, I really have had a lot of time to think about things.

And I wonder why it is that God allowed me to catch the flu, and to catch it as severely as I have. But I realize that it could have been a lot worse. It could have been pneumonia, or even worse than that. But I also realize that it's not my job to understand why things happen.

Call me a liberal and mock me, but I was listening to 104.7 "The Fish" in the car the other day, and one of the lines from a song really stuck out to me:

-I am not skilled to understand, what God has willed, what God has planned.

And the more I think about that, the more I realize that I'll never understand why God lets some things happen. But He lets them happen. And I know that they all work out for good, even if I don't always understand it.

All I have to do is keep serving the Lord, and learn to bee content with whatsoever state I am in, as Paul would put it. And that's a hard lesson to learn, but it's one of the most valuable around. Because if one could learn that lesson, there would be much less complaning, and much more praise to the Lord.

And I'm doing what I can to be content, and to make a decision to praise the Lord even though things don't look the best to me right now. But the way things look to me doesn't matter.

As long as God's in control, it'll all work out for me in the end. But pray that I'd learn to be content no matter what my situation.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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