Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PCC Trip.

Well, I had a really amazing time at Pensacola with the rest of the crew. (Even though they were the ones everyone wanted to see, and I just came along to help lower the cost of gas and hotel)
I learned a lot, for sure, and got some pretty Godly advice on some things I've been needing some help with.
As best I can, I'll list out what's going on:
-I need to step up, and start being more of a wittness for Christ.
-I need to start actively working on winning people to the Lord.
-It's best to wait and be sure, than to rush in and be a fool.
-By surrounding yourself with people who love the Lord, it makes it easier to want to serve Him, and also makes it easier to make tough decisions.
-One of those decisions that I had to make was that I need to start looking for a new job. Bed Bath & Beyond is great, and I love it, but it's not paying my bills. I'm ranked #2 in the whole store in customer satisfaction, productivity and overall work ethic, but my hours are still getting cut. Please pray about this situation.
-Chris Fies is a UFC fighter. (just joking)
-The people at Vision Baptist, and the OGTC are some of, if not, the best people in the world. I hate using the word "best," since it's so subjective to opinion, but there's just something different between an OGTC kid and a PCC kid. I can't describe it.
--Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.--

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