Monday, December 7, 2009

I don't understand y no estoy seguro

Since I’ve started reading in Jeremiah, I’ll admit that I’ve found it to be very dry since chapter 1. It hasn’t been as interesting as a lot of my recent readings were. Hebrews, I Peter, Acts…I loved those books. They were so sweet to me, and I honestly was reading them out of a love and joy. For a week or so, I’ve only been reading because I wants to have something to send to my accountability partners. God worked in my heart today in a big, big way, and I really, really learned something today. It was like God spoke directly to me about a situation at work.

And I would like to publically say that Mike Shane is a really good friend of mine, and I think we need more Christians like him in the world, no matter what anyone else may say. He's given me some extremely good guidance in the last few days. I don't even know if he meant to or not. But I think that's an awesome trait to have...that just by being yourself, you guide people after God.


Jer 27:5 I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me.
Jer 27:6 And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him
Jer 27:7 And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the very time of his land come: and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him.

To be honest, Babylon was one of, if not the most wicked nations ever. And Nebuchadnezzar was one of the most wicked kings ever. And I don’t know too much Old testament history, but anyone who throws three children into a fiery furnace because they won’t bow to anything that isn’t the God of heaven seems kind of evil to me.

But in this passage, God tells us that he gave the lands to that king. He gave all the beasts of the fields to SERVE him, not just to be under him, but to serve him. And I can’t tell you why the Lord would do this. I honestly don’t know, and I’m not going to try to come up with an answer. He even says later not to listen to anyone who says not to listen to him.

I just know that if that’s what the Lord did, then it must be OK. And to be honest, I kinda feel like that’s what the Lord did to me. Now, I’m not being thrown into a fire, but one of my managers (having four different bosses is awesome) is a pretty evil fellow.

Honestly, nothing he says is appropriate to repeat, he berates me with everything he says, and constantly goads me to do something wrong. He even “puts words in my mouth” so I’ll look bad. And none of that is an exaggeration of the truth. I promise. I might be 19 years old, and “just a kid,” as I hear a lot, but I think I can formulate a pretty accurate opinion of my boss.

And to be honest, I don’t always like working for him. I often find myself dreading a shift with him, and I often complain about him a lot. But I think on II Sam 16:11, and that always makes me feel a bit better.

And verses like this will as well. If God’s going to let all nations serve a wicked king, I think I can deal with a lousy boss for a while. And furthermore, God says that Nebuchadnezzar was His servant! No matter what evil the king did, he was God’s servant. Truly amazing is the power of God, that He can work in such a way.

Jer 28:8 Los profetas que fueron antes de mí y antes de ti en tiempos pasados, profetizaron sobre muchas tierras y grandes reinos, de guerra, y de aflicción, y de pestilencia.
Jer 28:9 El profeta que profetizó de paz, cuando sobreviniere la palabra del profeta, será conocido el profeta que Jehová en verdad lo envió.

No estoy seguro de que tengo razón aquí, pero pienso que la Biblia dice aquí que si alguien viene con un mensaje de ira y guerra y cosas así, no viene de Dios. Dice que en verdad el que profetiza de paz es de Dios.
Pero no estoy seguro de que tengo razón.

--Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.--

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