Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some much needed sleep

I am really stinking tired. It's 1:19am. I got up this morning, worked 9-5, ran home for a shower, made some quick dinner, and headed straight to church for play practice. Since that ended, I've been cleaning out the utility closet.

It's a mess in there. I promise.

And I remember Brother Tony talking about living life vs. Surviving life in class not too long ago. I thank the Lord for putting people like brother Howeth in my life, because that advice on living vs./surviving is really helping me right now.

I'm pretty much working full time hours again, praise the Lord, finishing up school, and doing whatever I can to help with the move.

And I'm not complaining, because I'm having a total blast. It's so amazing how God's changed my view on things, like work, school, friendships, and all this other stuff in the last month or so. And I dunno if it shows or not, but I'm having a blast with life.

I always had confidence and self esteem issues growing up. But for the last...month, or so it seems, things have been awesome. And not just because everything's going my way, because it isn't, but because I'm slowly getting a grasp on how much God loves me, no matter what.

Regardless of long days at work for just above minimum wage, and regardless of eating Mac 'n Cheese every day, and regardless of not having enough money, God loves me. And he doesn't see it when I fail, come short or sin. All He sees is Christ's righteousness.

In football (soccer) a striker or forward's biggest asset is his confidence. With all the technical skill in the world, a striker is nothing without confidence. But a sub-average player can be a goal machine if his confidence is riding high.

And God's given me some confidence, in that He's made me pure, holy, righteous, forgiven me, and all kinds of other amazing things with His love. Not in who I am or what I've done, but in who He is, and what He's done for me, and who He's made me.

I'm tired. Really, really tired. I kinda want to sleep in a little bit. Maybe on...wait...class or work every day.

Never mind. No time for that.

Pray for Spain. Pray that the Lord would raise up missionaries and native Spaniards to take the gospel to the millions of lost souls in Spain.

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