Sunday, September 27, 2009

Eaten alive.

Something is eating at me. It’s sitting inside my chest, and I can’t stop feeling it. It’s just sitting in there, and I don’t know what it is.

Since I’ve returned to Maryland, something ahs…violated, or bothered my spirit. I feel like I have an important assignment due for school, and I haven’t done it, and it’s due tomorrow. I have this insatiable tension on my heart right now, and I cannot figure out what it is.

I feel like I should be doing something, and I’m just sitting here. It’s 8:45 at night, but I still feel like I should be somewhere. I feel like I’m missing someone, or I’m missing something.
I feel incomplete right now.

I’m not sure if God is trying to show me something, or what it is, but I really cannot lose this spirit of unrest right now. I’ve prayed about it, and read the Bible over it, but something is wrong. I just don’t feel right.

I felt it almost as soon as I got back to Maryland. It’s like a hole in my chest. I know I’m rambling, and you’re probably not even reading at this point because I sound totally insane, but something just isn’t right. I can’t describe it other than I feel like I should be doing something, but I don’t know what it is.

It’s driving me crazy. It’s driving me insane.

I loved preaching today. I love preaching. I can’t wait till I get to do it again. (I’ll blog about that later)

In the meantime, something feels wrong.


  1. Did you figure it out yet

  2. Not really. It's like..I have a burden...but not for anything in special.
